Friday, July 30, 2010

Vermont Firsts

In continuation of our summer of travels, this past weekend we spent four days in Vermont visiting my folks. The weather was beautiful and we had a number of experiences that were the firsts of what will probably be many over the years:

Anna's First Horseback Ride
Every Monday Mom goes riding with her friend Elaine Keeler. After riding on Monday, Elaine brought out Elska, an Icelandic horse, for Anna to say hi to. She showed absolutely no apprehension so Elaine offered to let her sit on Elska. Still having no fear, they walked a few circles. Anna loved it!

Our First Barre Heritage Festival
Okay, so the festival its self may not be a frequent occurrence but this was also Anna's first corn dog (what's better than a hot dog you eat like a popsicle?) and Luke's first full sized parade.

Luke's First Dunk in the Pond
Between the lake and the splash pool we have had quite a bit of time in the water this summer but Luke has managed to sleep through every trip. But this time he didn't escape. Justin gave him his first good dunk in the pond at the Floating Bridge. Luke took it all in stride and enjoyed the swim.

Anna is getting to be an old pro at the pond - she can even snap up her own life jacket before going for boat rides. However, she too had a first. She jumped off the dock to Justin and then climbed back up using the ladder. Too bad the camera was no where to be seen. The surprise on her face was priceless!

First picture of the four of us
(how we went two months without one I don't know...)

Trip to Grampa's office
(not a first but a cute pic nonetheless)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Fun

This summer has been unique for our family since Justin and I are both at home. This fantastic luxury has given us lots of time to do projects, travel, relax, spend time with family, and in general just have fun!

My brother and sister-in-law, Scott and Collette, are building a new kitchen. Scott gutted the kitchen and this week I spent a couple of days helping him drywall and insulate. He is well on the way to having a beautiful kitchen with all new cabinets, appliances, and a bar that opens into the dining room. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Luke supervised. Does this half smile mean that he approves? I think the quality time he spent with Collette helped give her a glimpse of what they have coming. She and Scott will be great parents.

At our house, Justin is extending the sump pump line to help disperse the basement water throughout the yard. By doing this we are hoping to reclaim more of our lawn during the rainy season. Anna is helping to fill in the hole.

Chef Anna needs to learn a bit more about baking. These yummy looking blueberry muffins had way too much baking soda (she thought the box was pancake mix!) and had to be thrown out. Only the first of many cooking fiascos to come...

Summer weather has meant that we have taken to eating all our meals on the deck.

And at the end of busy days, baths and just relaxing is definitely in order!

These pictures give you a visual of our days but what you can't fully appreciate is the non-stop chatter from Anna. In her words, "I just like to talk". Here are a few funny Anna-isms:

"My birthday is on March. It's waiting for me."
"Mr. Burley can't drive. His legs too short."
(referring to my grandmother's elderly neighbor)
"Isn't it my turn to see Dr. Dugan?"
(Luke had an appointment with her favorite doc)
"Bye Poop. See you tomorrow. Thanks for coming out."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Party time!

This past weekend was full of birthdays and celebrations. In California, the Nielsen family welcomed their newest addition - Jacob Paul - on Bastille day. Everyone is happy and healthy. Congrats Tara and family!

Closer to home, Justin and I gathered with old friends from NECC and Clarke to see Meghan (Locke) and Jeff Fitzpatrick married. The wedding was beautiful, classy, and tons of fun. It was great to be able to visit with former colleagues from both of the schools Justin has worked at in Massachusetts. Here are some of the old gang from NECC:

It was also wonderful to have a grown-ups only afternoon and evening!

While we were off at the wedding, Uncle Scott and Aunt Collette hung out with Anna and Luke and took them to Vivi Brevard's birthday party. Per usual, the dynamic duo is on the run:

Julie gave Anna a wide selection of tattoos and she chose the motorcycle. Do we need to worry?

And last but not least was Grace Tscherne's birthday party. Anna isn't sure what to do with themed parties just yet and the lovely fairy accents were lost on her but she still had a good time playing with the girls.

Amongst the great sea of pink and frills, Luke and Owen celebrated in their own way:

Anna is never one to turn down a chance to spend time with birthday girl, Grace (or fruit for that matter!)

Congrats and much love to all. Thanks for inviting us to your parties!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Inspired by two of my good friends, I've decided to start to blog to share the adventures of our family - both the daily ins and outs as well the the more extraordinary events. Through these posts you'll meet my husband, Justin, our kids, Anna (2 yr 4 months) and Luke (2 months), and a variety of other family and friends. Many of the posts will be photos and Anna-isms.


We are having a fairly low key week - respite from vacation and just lethargic in the humidity. Here are some shots from the week:

Our friends Kelly and Paul invited us over to chase their chickens (according to Anna). We learned that chickens like lettuce and watermelon. Who knew?

Kelly let Anna collect the day's eggs. They made a great breakfast on Monday morning. Thanks Kelly!

Luke is trying to cool off

Anna helped me repaint the bathroom - then we had to go swimming to get off all the paint despite the full length smock!

Anna built this bristle block castle during a few rare moments of quite time