Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas!

This year Christmas has been lots of fun as Anna is old enough to start appreciating the fun and Luke is a hilarious addition to the family!

Getting ready for the Christmas Eve Pageant at Church last night.

Putting out Reindeer food before going to bed

Learning how to eat an orange with a spoon and turning it outside to make sure she got all the good stuff. Gramma is teaching Anna this tradition just like she taught Mommy.

Time to get up, Daddy!

"Hey, what happened here?" asked Anna putting to rest our question of if she understood what Santa was all about. Apparently it will be another year before she really gets it.

Grampa helps Luke with his stocking

Loving his first Christmas!

Christmas goof

Gramma and Great Gram supervise the butterfly placement in Anna's room

We headed to Scott and Collette's house for round two and lunch

Genuine surprise when Gramma opened up her new laptop!

Back at home Luke is playing with his favorite "new" toy (a great hand-me-down from our good friends Grace and Emma)

As the sugar crash is upon us and the good times are winding down, we bid you good night and best of wishes for the remainder of the holiday season!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

First Snow

Anna's first snow play of the winter is in Vermont. We're up for the first Christmas of the season.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

From the mouth of a child

Funny things Anna said this morning:
Anna is home with me this morning and is cracking me up with what's coming out of her mouth. So much for have a productive work morning!

"I'm making iPods" (when snipping paper)

"I'm trying to celebrate myself" (as she colored her hands with markers)

"I see an airplane. Maybe it's going to Illinois to see Nana and Papa. I thought so."

"Can you find me cartoons 'cause I'm mad at the blocks, please."

"Can I watch cartoons? It's dark outside and you love me."

"Gramma and Grampa - your mom and dad - ate all the bananas. Sounds like they're being mumpkeys. We'll have to go to the grocery store."

"Can I put some strawberries in here in case we need to go somewhere later?"

And a few gems from the last week.

"I'm thankful for Dora" (on her hand-cut out turkey)

"Did I come from your belly like Luke?" (I say yes) " Noooo! I live in a house and use the doors."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Two of a kind?

Many people who have seen Anna grow up have asked us how Luke is in comparison. Both are phenomenally happy, easy going kids and both are movers and shakers - no question about that! But that is about where the similarities end. Anna is our sassy, center of attention child while Luke is happy to just sit up and watch the world. As for how they stack up in the looks department, judge for yourself!

Fun Comparison of Anna and Luke
Going home from the hospital

Hanging out in my favorite chair - Anna 6 weeks, Luke 5 weeks

Anna's in the Outer Banks and Luke is photographed with the t-shirt! -10 weeks

Spending time with Gramma and Grampa in VT - 4 months

Rock Star and Doctor - 5 months

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Summer

Summer is wrapping up for our family - I'm back at work, Justin just started school, Luke is in daycare with Anna. We were able to get a few last adventures in before reality totally set in.

Picking Peaches at Tougas Farm
These were the most delicious peaches and nectarines I've ever picked! Between ourselves and the Brevard's we probably ate as many in the orchard as we brought home.

"Camping" out at the Douglas' Farm in New Hampshire
This past weekend, our friends Sarah and Ben invited us to their family house in New Hampshire. We all had an amazing time hanging out with friends and everyone played really hard (and slept hard afterwards). With 9 kids under the age of 5 and 3 dogs there was never a dull moment! Can't wait until next year.

Fun conversations with Anna
You never know what she'll parrot back at you!
Me: Anna, do you want some melon for dinner?
Anna: Can you say 'cant-a-lope'?

We've started bedtime prayers where she echos what I say... usually
Me: Dear God,
Anna: Dear God,
Me: Thank you for my friends.
Anna: Thank you for my friends.
Me: Please help me sleep tonight. Alot.
Anna: Please give me lots of energy.

And then there is Luke just hanging out

Trip to Nana & Papa's

As predicted, once work started back up my desire to be anywhere near a computer once I get home had disappeared. I have found that we did a number of fun things at the end of our amazing summer that I haven't mentioned here. I'm going to do a number of quick blogs just to catch everyone up.

The week after Jon and Mitch came to visit we took trip out to Illinois to visit Justin's folks. It was the first time we've been able to spend more than a long weekend visiting.

Luke's first airplane ride

Stroll down Navy Pier

Navy Pier Fountain
Of all the fun things in Chicago Anna loved playing in the fountain

Umm... macaroni?

Nana and Gramma K love their grandbabies!

Exploration Station
A great children's museum that has my wheels turning...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jon and Mitch

Justin's brother Jon and his friend Mitch came to visit us this past weekend. It was great to see them. With Jon living in Illinois and having a crazy work schedule we don't get to see him nearly as often as we would like. Anna adores her uncle. Luckily we'll be seeing him next weekend as well when we head out to visit their folks.

Friday afternoon we spent at the beach and hanging out on the deck, enjoying the beautiful weather. Mitch discovered a new best friend - Anna didn't leave his side. And on Sunday morning I found Romeo snuggling in bed with Mitch. Too bad there was no camera for that...

Saturday was a boys day out. Along with our friend Mat, the touble-making trio went into Boston to visit the Sam Adams brewery. Sadly it was too crowded for a tour. Afterwards the gang was met by our friend Dave and headed over to Fenway to see the Red Sox beat Detroit with walk off double in the 9th.

The next morning Mitch and Jon had to leave early for the airport. Luckily Anna was up to help wake everyone up in time! She had one last bit of play time with Mitch while Luke took his cue from Jon and caught a few more zzz's.

Thanks for visiting and we can't wait to see you in a few days!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Vermont Firsts

In continuation of our summer of travels, this past weekend we spent four days in Vermont visiting my folks. The weather was beautiful and we had a number of experiences that were the firsts of what will probably be many over the years:

Anna's First Horseback Ride
Every Monday Mom goes riding with her friend Elaine Keeler. After riding on Monday, Elaine brought out Elska, an Icelandic horse, for Anna to say hi to. She showed absolutely no apprehension so Elaine offered to let her sit on Elska. Still having no fear, they walked a few circles. Anna loved it!

Our First Barre Heritage Festival
Okay, so the festival its self may not be a frequent occurrence but this was also Anna's first corn dog (what's better than a hot dog you eat like a popsicle?) and Luke's first full sized parade.

Luke's First Dunk in the Pond
Between the lake and the splash pool we have had quite a bit of time in the water this summer but Luke has managed to sleep through every trip. But this time he didn't escape. Justin gave him his first good dunk in the pond at the Floating Bridge. Luke took it all in stride and enjoyed the swim.

Anna is getting to be an old pro at the pond - she can even snap up her own life jacket before going for boat rides. However, she too had a first. She jumped off the dock to Justin and then climbed back up using the ladder. Too bad the camera was no where to be seen. The surprise on her face was priceless!

First picture of the four of us
(how we went two months without one I don't know...)

Trip to Grampa's office
(not a first but a cute pic nonetheless)